Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV)
All-electric GEM NEV vehicles are great for quick drives around the neighborhood, family trips to the beach, and nights on the town.

What is a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV)?

What is the Difference Between an NEV and LSV?
NEV is a federally approved street-legal classification, that falls under the United States Department classification for low-speed vehicles. While NEV is used in some states, most states use the terminology LSV to recognize street-legal carts.

Where Can an NEV Be Driven?
Neighborhood vehicles are perfect for quick drives around the community, family trips to the beach, and nights on the town. NEVs can be legally driven on most public roads where the posted speed limit is 35 mph (50 kmh) or less.

Do NEVs Have to Be Registered?
A NEV (LSV) must be titled, registered, and insured according to local laws and may only be operated by a licensed driver.

Locations with NEV-Friendly Roads
A number of cities have developed paths, lanes and roads for neighborhood electric vehicles and low-speed vehicles with the goal of reducing vehicle emissions, reducing roadway wear and tear, and reducing reliance on gasoline.
To explore where GEM can take you in your community, check out GEM Go, our low-speed road interactive map.
Find Your GEM Neighborhood Electric Vehicle
Best Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Company 2023 and 2024
The Rider’s Choice Awards celebrates a broad group of 1,500 companies and people in the micromobility landscape across 26 categories. GEM won the category of “Best Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Company” for the first time in 2023 and again in 2024.
The Rider’s Choice Awards is hosted by Micromobility Industries, a global media platform and community that champions small EVs.